10 September 2020
Read Moreby Philip Smith
Seeking clarity is easier than you think, but not without a bit of effort.
We live in a world that appears to have lost its marbles, as every day reveals more layers of lies, deception, gigantic egos, corruption and an almost universal complete lack of accountability.
We somehow accept that politicians lie and at the next election our choice is always to vote for the party that appears least ...
by Philip Smith
Lessons from History
"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach." - Aldous Huxley
I often wonder just what it will take for people, in general, to start paying attention to history.
Any one of us can point at myriads of issues that are problematic, educational systems that do not educate, politicians who lie and cheat, corporations who rape and pillage, us and the environme...
by Philip Smith
The veracity of our answers depends on the quality of our Questions.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Albert Einstein
Keeping instructions simple is often not easy, but in addressing politicians and business leaders, the above diagram is a starting point as this appears to be their first obstacle.
We live in a world that is getting progressively harder to understand, in that we are constantly trying to figure out what logic or rea...
by Philip Smith
Do not allow this to be a wasted opportunity.
Part 1 - Mild
During this period of downtime for some and frantic work for others, what are the chances that we will learn something useful from this virus "experience" we are living with now.
For those not working, did you read anything of interest, did you maybe buy a book, did you maybe spend a bit of time to think or research any subject of interest?
Sadly I hope in vain, as all the above is often a bridge...
by Philip Smith
Solutions are available, courage is often not.
What do you have in your organisation?
There has always been a great deal said about leadership and we live in a time now, where good leadership will make a difference to the final outcome, when we have "tamed" this virus.
I do not believe that "Good" leadership can be taught, despite the vast amounts of money spent on this pointless endeavour, but accept that I might be a lone voice in the w...