The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Albert Einstein
Keeping instructions simple is often not easy, but in addressing politicians and business leaders, the above diagram is a starting point as this appears to be their first obstacle.
We live in a world that is getting progressively harder to understand, in that we are constantly trying to figure out what logic or reason might apply to the reality we live in.
We should always bear in mind that should one ask the wrong question, the answer is irrelevant and any action taken, futile.
We live in a "Fact" free world, where the "Truth" is what is sold by media talking heads or political and military drones from around the world. Debates are frowned upon as no longer required, as most people have given up all hope, of understanding just how they are being screwed over this time.
Our current "world" provides "knowledge free" opinions as "Facts" and frequently, smear campaigns as journalistic integrity.
There is, for example, a mysterious "concept" called the "fuel price cycle" and I have yet to find anybody who has even a vague idea what that means or how it operates.
When the dollar is up and the oil price down, the price we are charged for petrol goes up?
Just today, I filled my car at 97.9 c / Lt. Two hours later I drove past the same service station and the price had gone up to $ 1.339 ( why on earth is the price per litre of petrol to 3 decimal places anyway ).
What happened during these two hours?.... Nothing other than the service station receiving a message to increase the price, that's it.
We have no access to metrics or measures to use, in trying to understand the cause of these magical escalations. When the price comes down, it is always in small increments, but when it goes up, it is on steroids.
I have been told that the price of petrol is based on the price of refines petrol in Singapore and we have to assume that soon bread prices might be based on the price of drill bits in Pakistan, but only on the second Friday of months with 31 days.
We now have this Covid virus to deal with and one would expect that a scientific approach would be the correct path to take, but Arse and Elbow above, dictates that this is simply not possible.
Arse and Elbows were yet again lost in the "fear" of getting it wrong. It is the same mindset that allows a rescued person to be hauled up a cliff, using a rope that is tied in a noose around his neck. When the person reaches the top of the cliff, he is dead, but his body is saved !!
Arse and Elbow is hard at work, but all rational thought is missing in action, as is normal.
Then the Virus circus unfolded as each state started making up arbitrary rules, despite having a video conference between states every week, somehow they could not agree on a common approach or even what to do next.
Monty Python comes to mind as we visualise these meetings, "follow the holy gourd" said one group and another proclaimed "follow the holy sandal" while still others ran around in circles shouting "when can we have lunch".
Wear gloves, wear masks, gumboots and a condom when you are driving your car, social distance became the new religion, all this just to stay safe.
All the little tin pot dictator bureaucrats crawled out of the woodwork... Punish them, fine them, lock them up, beat them, how dare they disobey orders ( Sieg Heil ).
Announcements in QLD vary from day to day. They announce on a Thursday that on Monday ( not Tuesday ) restaurants can open to accommodate up to 10 people, no matter how big the establishment might be. Not 11 people on Tuesday or maybe 13 by Wednesday. These are all random numbers and random days with no reason or logic associated with any of their proclamations.
This will then be followed up by equally random changes not based on anything, either scientific or medical.
The only consistency with this lot, is inconsistency. Right now we have different rules in every state. In one it is permissible to have 20 people at a restaurant, 15 at a funeral, 30 at church but in another state the numbers are different ( I do not know the current numbers by state, but they are random and disconnected from reality. )
Slowly I am getting it, this is a clever virus and is clearly not the same in each state, thus requiring different rules in each state. They know this because?. Maybe their respective witchdoctors told them.
We are also blessed that this "smart" Virus, is clever enough to not be "active" in supermarkets, but the politicians and witchdoctors assume that any similar gathering at say a church, would make this virus angry and active
Science has long since left the building, as there is no scientific support for social distancing, closing borders or schools.
1. We emptied our hospitals, stopped surgery and other medical treatments, because a supposed "expert" in the UK made dire predictions. It made no difference that every previous prediction made by this same "expert", has proven to be wrong. Suddenly his word became the Holy Grail.
It is of interest to note that this "expert" is the chief advisor to the WHO and the CDC, yet he has over many years not predicted anything correctly. In fact every prediction he has made has been wrong, to the best I can determine. More worrying is that our emergency procedures defers to the instructions from the WHO, we should be worried.
I am not picking just on this one "expert", as he is simply a reflection of how science is broken and no longer reliable. On this occasion he happens to be the key in creating worldwide chaos.
Should we add politicians, powerbrokers and vested interests into any equation, we are unlikely to ever get anywhere near any objective "truth", as is the case with this virus.
2. Did you know the entire social distancing malarkey is also not based on science. It is based on a theoretical and inaccurate computer model created by a 14 year old school girl and her dad, working ona school science project in 2006.
Jeannette Young: who is the woman leading Queensland's fight against COVID-19?
She says while evidence showed schools were not a high-risk environment for the spread of the virus, closing them down would help people understand the gravity of the situation.
"If you go out to the community and say, 'this is so bad, we can't even have schools, all schools have got to be closed', you are really getting to people," Dr Young says.
"So sometimes it's more than just the science and the health, it's about the messaging.
With this type of leadership, how on earth are we supposed to tell truth from fiction?
The people making these draconian decisions to destroy our economy, should be identified and the names of the people involved in reaching these decisions declared. These people should all be held legally liable, imho.
To communicate this "message," from a medical administrator, not a viral specialist, not a marketing expert, the premier, on Ms Young's advice, closed the borders and the schools. Imho they should be held accountable for the damage they have inflicted.
Thousands of children had to be home schooled with massive impacts on every home and all parents. The government then decided that if you were an essential worker your child could go to school.
This makes complete sense because "essential workers", who are interacting with the public or infected people daily, would be safe and their children are not at risk from this virus.
Remember this is a clever Virus that simply would not infect essential workers or their families, I suspect!!
The impact on children, education, schools, teachers and parents is gigantic and even now, despite these rules being based on pure 100% bullshit, our premier and the hapless Ms. Young insist that the borders must remain closed. Really, I think they need the arse and elbow diagram, urgently.
The cost of this useless set of rules must be astronomical.
I went to the city dump the other day, only to be stopped by a new "security" person who informed me that, despite having only one other car on the site, I could not drop off one cardboard box because my numberplate starts with and even number and I may only use the facility on days that have even numbers.
The council has devised a smart solution to this clever virus. As long as numberplate numbers are even on even days and odd on odd days, the virus will not bother anybody.
They should have shared this information with the Federal and State governments, but clearly. They decided to keep this discovery to themselves.
These are but a few of the mysteries, in a long list of mysteries, we are unlikely to ever get an answer to, from the "snake oil salesman" in charge of our nation, or the masters of our corporations..
The best we can do is to continue developing our skills in formulating better questions, but I have no idea how to overcome the challenge of not being able to pose good questions to our political and business leaders.
We might not be able to "fix" the mysteries, but we surely can change our own worlds for the better.
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