Posted by Philip Smith
on 10 March 2021
Who and what do we believe, who do we trust and why ?
We live in an interconnected world that is fast becoming impossible to navigate. North is now South and West is maybe South East, but only on alternate Tuesdays. The compass now runs to 699 degrees and point nowhere with any degree of accuracy.
Competing authorities claim to be the bearers of "truth" and almost 20 years ago, Mr Bush broke it down to a simple binary decision "you are either with us or with them".
Posted by Philip Smith
on 9 February 2021
People matter in Projects
Several times every year I read articles describing why projects fail. The authors cover the spectrum from academics to project professionals, big name consulting firms and a host of other "experts".
At this point I have to show my ignorance by simply stating that most of the time I have no idea what they are prattling on about. Somehow it appears that impressive sounding words strung together by "experts", even when lacking in any obj...
Posted by Philip Smith
on 10 January 2021
Words of wisdom from an old friend.
Many years ago I met and spent time with some very kind and interesting people.
One of them drafted the following document that I am now sharing with you.
When I am beset with fears and my hopes seem far removed, it brings to mind the great times that have surrendered to me . Often have I pondered what this kind of dwelling that takes me away from depression should be called, and it has presented itself to me under the mantle of
Posted by Philip Smith
on 11 December 2020
How acquiescence can make us stupid.
For almost a year now we have been subjected to arbitrary rules and regulations. Today we can have 10 people at a funeral, 15 at a wedding but only the bride and groom may dance, 30,000 people at a footy game, cant order a drink at the bar unless you wear a mask, but you can sit down with 2 friends for dinner, providing they have red hair and are left handed.
The QLD Chief medical officer admitted, on television, that the footy game, with 30,000 fans...
Posted by Philip Smith
on 10 November 2020
Many "experts" urge us to ignoring the small stuff, but maybe some of the "small stuff" really matters.
Last week somebody posted this
It grates me the wrong way so hard when I call someone and their receptionist/gate keeper asks if that person was expecting my call. NO NO we do not schedule every brief phone call into our calendars, so at this EXACT moment in time, NO, she is not sitting by the phone waiting for me to call. That's WHY I am calling - to speak to ...