It has been some time since I learnt basic arithmetic but I suspect 2 Plus 2 still makes 4.
Then again, maybe my ignorance is so great that I missed the bit where this changed to some other number.
The media speculates endlessly on matters that are not as they should be, even when the report only tries to exploit the pathetic outcomes. They never explore the core reasons that underpin these failures, there is no time, no budget and mostly no interest, but I digress.
The Education industry and all those who form part of it have a lot to answer for. Vast amounts of money wasted on a 12 year babysitting service, with a few notable exceptions.
Today I listened to two professors, experts and specialists in education and learning theory.
After some extensive research they concluded that children absorb and learn more easily when information is presented to them within a context after first establishing some basic building block.
Now I don't know about you but this is hardly an amazing revelation and it underscores why we are in so much trouble.
We have many more "flowepots" like this in charge of very important issues in this country and we should be worried.
( Flowerpots Marginally decorative but functionally useless. )
For those with an interest in education herewith some insight into why education is in so much trouble - Click Here
Should your interest be holding - Herwith some more from Sir Ken, but looking at education in a broader form - Click Here
This educational problem extends all the way to leadership and business - Click here
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