New fads and fancies abound and there is never a lack of some "new" ideas to distract and divert our focus, if we let it.
Recently I discovered some old study notes on the subject of communications and spent some time reading this old material and when I say old I mean old. They were created before the days of the modern photocopier when pages were typed and duplicated on a machine called a stencil duplicator and a process called Roneo.
There is a point to this side-track into ancient history but I forget what it is. No seriously there is a very good point to make, I think anyway.
Considering the age of these documents one might conclude that things were very different way back then and one would be wrong. Every page I read is as valid today as it was then and it raises the question as to why.
Surely with all our new communications mediums and over-connected workforce we should have improved dramatically, but it appears we have not. What we have achieved is an amazing array of experts, books, pod casts, video clips, special training courses, expert qualifications and more. A quick Google search revealed 646 million hits to indicate the size and reach of this subject since the days of my old notes. The subject has not changed, the content of my old notes are still current but now it appears we have at least 646 Million, and counting, solutions and somehow this equates to progress?
I believe that there is a great deal of confusion where activity has become a substitute for results, that the volume of communications has led to less clarity instead of more. Often during meetings we will hear this exchange " Oh sorry, I forgot to bring that, but I will email it to you" or "yes I can get that and email it to you" or words to this effect.
It appears that having access to all this clever technology people have become lazy, in a sense, because people have created this new habit of emailing or texting information instead of having clear objectives, expectations and preparation for meetings.
Then again, maybe my expectations are all wrong and I should just get more connected so please keep an eye out for me on "tweedeldee", the next social media storm, or was that "tweedeldumb".
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