For some strange reason some people believe that it is now time to slow down instead of doubling their efforts to hit the new year with a bang.
Habits form over time and slowing down, at this time of the year, is the norm for many industries. Builders see it differently, but that is a subject on its own.
Many will consider the outcomes they would like to achieve next year while many more new-years resolutions will be aimed at overcoming the pending excesses of indulgence during this period of rest.
Our habits are contained in cycles. These cycles contain all manner of drivers that we have determined to be important, for one reason or another.
The 12 month cycle of habit is hard to break, but with a little bit of effort, we can transform ourselves. Is this the best we can do ? I dont think so, but for many apparently this is acceptable because it is easy and requires zero effort.
Outside of the resolutions at year end, others will claim to plan within the framework of the financial year and that is fairly normal, but pointless to some extent.In the same way that we can predict the behaviour and actions during the silly season, we can also predict the expected behaviour and actions during the financial year end.
The financial yearend is a busy time for everybody, as there is a specific cut off date for activities before and during the year end routines. Thus each of these two periods are accounted for and repeated, in this 12 month cycle.
To become more effective we have to find a better way to plan for better outcomes.
Here is a suggestion we have implemented many times with clients.
Instead of having a plan that spans either of the two occasions mentioned above, how about we plan our lives and businesses in a different cycle, say from September to September or March to March.
Having "clear space" for our thinking, without the regulatory or social cycles intruding, could have a profound impact on what you are able to achieve, with a clear focus.
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