A word we tend to associate with David standing up to Goliath, where the power imbalance is extreme.
I would suggest the word courage also reflects much smaller "battles" at every level of the community as well as in our working lives.
Whenever there is a need to speak truth to power courage is required because experience often teach us how badly this can backfire on the poor sod who has the temerity to question what is sometimes the elephant in the room.
From a senior management perspective, the most important contribution to invest in, is to educate all levels of management to understand that tolerance and open minds produce more than polishing egos and the need to appear omnipotent.
Sometimes the best ideas can come from the least likely and least empowered employee. Providing the organisation is listening, many will find the courage to contribute.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light - Plato
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