Somebody once asked me the difference between a particular politician, Mr. X , and God. -
The answer was that God did not think that he was Mr. X.
It is easy to generalize and I am not attempting to do so now, but these are often the issues discussed around the water cooler instead of the boardroom.
Where management is out of touch with the people doing the work, it is always at a significant cost to the business.The first casualty is that staff discretionary effort and time diminishes in direct relation to the distance between management and staff.
I once had a mid level manager at a major corporation express his views with singular clarity.We were discussing the progress being achieved with the implementation of a new computer system and my question was a simple one "how is the project progressing"?
His response was to fold his arms across his chest, incline his head to the one side before he said "not too good, senior management thought they could do this without us".As managers it is our responsibility to ensure clear communications and a genuine interest in how decisions affect everybody in our organisation.
Every time a new initiative is launched without some level of staff interaction, inclusion and consideration, expect to pay a price.Tags:Lessons |